Shop update 2022 I have updated this page several times so it's not really organized. It's just when I got around to adding some stuff to it.  It's a mishmash of stuff!  Several pages with pictures below!

 I have been blessed over the years with many hours of extra work.  When the weather over the past 40 years is bad and most folk are looking out the window they may just see me out side fixing lines for at&t.  This job has blessed me with thousands of hours of over time pay.  So picking up tools every month or so has been made possible.  Now mind you those 40 years of some years of 500 plus hours of overtime...were often forced.  YUP no choice had to be out in that stuff heat advisory hot or bone chilling wet cold lots of ice and snow storms.  Yet my solstice in that was I had mad money for Rangers and Woodworking.  I am blessed.   In my work going into any place one can imagine the rich, the poor the clean and the filthy.  The healthy and the sick.  The hard worker and the lazy.  I have seen more than most folk will ever witness.  I have been in places that few get to see.  The highest to the lowest.  Been in tens of thousands of homes and a thousand business.  Seeing folk where they live and work.  A perspective view I have.

So I love Royal Ranger Ministry and woodworking and backpacking.  The re-sawing bandsaw will allow us to take a group of boys to the woods and cut down  trees with chainsaws into logs we can move about four feet long or less and then resaw that into useable lumber for Ranger projects and even some Frontiersman Camping Fellowship  furniture and neat stuff.  I was blessed by Central AOG for some 15 years to have a shop there at their Ranger Annex and do these very things I have talked about.  Last year or so moving my tools home gave me the opportunity to make things mobile and to have time to refine ways and means.  Always learning and trying to do right.  I want to thank Rob Batchman not pictured here and my son Marshall for coming over and helping setup and man handle this beast of a band saw.   God has blessed me with great friends.   Work hard.  Play hard.  Love God.  HE WILL BLESS YOU!   Heaven is better than this place.  Until then.  REACH, TEACH, KEEP Folk  for Christ. 

Click on a picture for a larger view.

Wooden Canteen Project Dec. 2021    Red Cedar Lantern Project 2021  Box Making Gadget in Vcarve 2021  CNC Router Relay and Box 2021  CNC Controler Card Replacement

How I sharpen Bandsaw Blades (best I have found)   Resawing Walnut log 2021    Shop updates and CNC Machine updates and tweaks 2021

13 Cedar Plaques CNCed Video   3d printer page March 31, 2021

Paint Booth 4 position made out of blue foam.  February 1st Box Fan Air Scrubber on the Cheap!

January Canteen project part 1 overview       January Canteen project part 2 more indepth           January Canteen project part 3 attaching straps and waterproofing    February Canteen project part 4

January Shop Vac Sound Box.     and     Report on this box.

December Lantern Project ended up making 16 lanterns for a fundraiser for Rangers.

December Thermos Project  Made two of these Thermos Wooden covers.   Lid twists off.  Fun project. 

11-10-2020  Make Wooden Dowels with this cool jig.  I made about 60 dollars of hardwood dowels 3/8" and 1/4" out of scrap that was heading for the fire pit.

09-26-2020 CNC Shop Addition with some video and projects.

06-01-2020 Box Joint Jig Very configurable. From 1/4" box joints to any size in 1/4" increase in size and a mix and match if one wants to do that.  Very repeatable and can cut 24 sides at a time if needed of 1/4
" stock.

06-20-2019 I made a new sled. It is side guided and covers the whole 28" of table width.  The guides along each side and the resaw sled  is made out of Red Oak 3/4" plywood.  The undercarriage is supported by 3/4" eye socket bearings placed on about 12" apart.  The new resaw sled works great.  The Winch pulls it slowly through the blade and the counter weight pulls the sled back when the winch is in reverse.  The sides guide this new sled and the sides have hold down limits so the weight doesn't lift the sled off the table.  Click on a picture for a larger view.

08-01-2020  Resaw Sled Full width pictures.  Resawing a Old Walnut Log on the Resaw Sled

You Tube Video on the New 28" Sled setup and table and winch.  Time Lapse of Resaw Table Assembly and what I leaned about 11.25" Red Oak Resaw and the Grizzly 17" 2hp Bandsaw.

Resaw Table video 3 minutes.    Resawing 8 Cedar Logs.   Setting up the Resaw Sled and cutting 5 boards using the winch in fast motion.

Maple Resaw 05-22-2020

Hercules 12" crosscut saw on a a Harbor Freight Stand  (they have a new Hercules stand out a bit heavier) How I use it and store it.  The older stand is not heavy duty enough.  It is now breaking at the welds.

Resawing 4 big walnut logs 4' long by 12" round.  It's 42 minutes long.  So you may need to use the slider to get past some of the parts. I removed about a hours worth of cleanup and fiddling!

Resawing on my 12" Delta Bandsaw modified with a resaw table and a larger grizzly motor.  This is hard to do and very time consuming.  Hence the work started to build a resaw sled. 

Walnut was resawed and then stickered then ends sealed in parifin wax then restickered then moved down into the shed. Resaw Table was cut in half and glued and then stored up in the attic for future use.

Well I had a glitch in my web publishing software and lost the grouping and text for these pictures. 


These sleds gave me ideas to use.  Thanks to these folk that paved a way for ideas to flow.

Link to the video on this setup.

God's way is always the BEST way!