These Videos are web compressed video files that will play in your Internet Explorer if you have a plugin or use Real Player to view them. A Broadband connection is a must. If you have a question about a use or how to about the Ranger Database e-mail me and I will make a video help file that shows just how to do it. I enjoy it. It's fun for me. So email.
Check back to this page as I plan to make a few videos a month until I get most things how- to covered.
Advancements 19 minutes shows how to enter, print and order merits and record advancements prints certificates to. 230 meg mp4 video file. *newupdate
BrowseFindPreview 3.5 minutes Shows how to enter, find and see your data. 62 meg mp4
Calendar 4 minutes Shows how to keep great calendars for Outpost - National Events Text, Month, Daily Views. 61 meg mp4
Contact Addresses 2 minutes Shows how to use the Contact Address Database 38 meg mp4
Emailing RangerDatabase 12 minutes. Shows how to email your Rangers and your District Rangers 199 meg mp4
FCF Event Tracking and Tallying. 8 minutes. Shows how to print off a form then to take that penciled in form and update records from it. It tallies and totals and records and posts money and records.
FCF Frontier Adventure Company Clerk how to Video. 12 minutes. Shows how a FCF Company Clerk will track the new members and print off callout list, membership cards and send out Adventure Letter.
FCF Trappers 5 minutes Shows how to record Trappers points and pull reports for recognition mp4
Food Calculator 12 minutes. Shows how to enter purchase items you need for a event and it breaks them down into servings and then figures how many of those you will need. For on the fly Grocery lists!
Globalfields 2 minutes Shows how to update all your templates to reflect your Outpost..37 meg mp4
GPH and Ordering 10 minutes Shows how to add records in the GPH database for easy single entry of awards, prizes, uniforms and more for your outpost. 185 meg mp4
GPHCleanUP 3 minutes Shows how to bring the old awards prices and item numbers up to date quick and easy. 23 meg
How to Keep Track of Skill and Bible Merits on a Weekly basis. 5 minutes Shows how to keep track of your boys merits on a weekly basis. It's so easy you will be amazed how well it works. 183 meg.
Importing and Exporting Data. Seven minutes Some sample importing and exporting of data. 114 meg mp4
Orienteering Software 16 minutes on how to create a Orienteering Course 171 meg mp4
Orienteering Course Setup 30 minutes Shows how to create a Orienteering course using various tools. 444 meg wmv
Permissionslips 4 minutes Shows how to keep your Permission Slips and the other 20 things that go with it handy and easy to handle. 144 meg mp4
Power Points 20 minutes Shows how to make Dynamic Power Point look alike screens in PDF Format for COA. 434 meg mp4
PWderbysetup 6 minutes Shows how to print class registration for each age group, signs, labels, preregistration sheets.15 meg zipped mp4 video file. 79 meg mp4
RangerBucks 6 min Shows how to make Ranger Bucks. 22 meg wmv video file..
Ranger1.exe Download won't install windows 10. 1 minute video on the new feature of Windows 10 to keep programs from working.
Signs 4 minutes Shows how to keep your signs ready for easy printing and make 6 column registration sheets. 61 meg mp4
So.MOTraining Database 12 minutes Shows how to enter Training Information for CI and IT 236 meg mp4