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You tube Video 10 minutes

Bow Drill Fire Kit Instructions and order form.

Bow Drill Fire Kit Video that you can download and burn to a DVD 130 meg.

This video shows you just how to make a bow drill fire.                      Then take that ember and blow it into a fire.

It's all in a handy dandy kit for only $12.00 mailed to your house.  (In the USA and mailing prices subject to change if more it's more) 

Hand delivered at Royal Ranger Events saves you $2.00 so it's only ten at events.

The purpose is to share with you one way to start a bow drill fire in a inexpensive kit that you can show your skills learned to others.  It takes

some skill so don't expect to do this the first time you try.  Everything needs to be right.  That is what the kit does. It gives you the right stuff.

We learned this technique from Don Brink in Springfield, Mo some 8 years or more ago.  It works with most soft woods that you can dent

using your finger nail.  Yucca, cottonwood, cedar, sycamore all wood must be dry and not picked up off the ground.  Get a limb hanging in

a tree.  The video links at the top of the page are great.  Thanks to Rob Batchman for helping me discover and share these methods.