2025 FCF SWD Winter Event Report and Pictures.  Click on a picture for a larger view.  Special thanks to Dan Rockafellow and Rob Batchman for sharing the pictures with us.

Jan 19th, 2025. South West Division Winter Outing took on a Day Event format this year. Weather was cold with a good bit of wind to make the dropping 20 degree temps even better for a winter event.  Ozark Assembly of God hosted this years event.

Beware I am sharing my personal opinion on my experience here. This may offend you.

I just wanted to give out a praise report. It's wonderful to be part of the Assemblies of God. Our Fundamental Truths are Biblical to the Core. In the past 39 years since I was saved there is so many memories of Holy Spirit moving in our lives and making change to spur on Christian Converts. Our local Pastor a week ago Sunday nailed it. We are here on this earth to make more Christians. I get excited about this and shout Praise Be unto God!

We all know who satan is. If he can get us so scared to death of being sued he wins. We all know what he is about. Most of us can spot one of his Team moves by the fruits and outcome of them. In case you are wondering what those look like. In our back yard so to speak I have seen what was once vibrant churches that were all about making more Christians.
Sad to say, really very sad to say, well let's just look at what God's Word says about the last days.

In Revelation chapter 2 we see Churches and People who were once on fire for Jesus and building His Church loosing sight and falling short of the mark as these churches got into other things. Shinny things, Popular things, Number Growth Things, Schemes of Man Things, Comfort Things, Scared of their shadow Things, Legal Things and EACH One would tell each and every one of us oh, no were all about building up Jesus Christ and His Church when in reality they are border line as Rev. Chapter 2 puts it. Jesus said he didn't know them...where did they come from. Sad to say in our very own Back Yard so to speak I see so many churches that are no longer on the Right Team they are lost and don't know it.

This is sad and it breaks my heart. I have in my life time come out of a religion called Jehovah's Witnesses that didn't believe in Power and Might of the Holy Spirit, all bound up by rules and regulations and good works and to see so many churches that have forsaken making more Christians but simply entertaining people, Putting their faith in the paper work of man. (Yes we need to do our best to protect) yet our FAITH must be at the Feet of Jesus and his Word not in us.

As I see decline in Royal Rangers I get Angry at the devil as he is sucking the light out of so many places that once stood for a life with real meaning and purpose.

I Praise the Lord for Churches that still believe in not only preaching truth to our kids and young people but going way out of their way to build character and a Person of God by investing in the lives through proven ministries that indeed work and build Jesus Christ Church.

The AG in the 1959 started a program to draw men and boys into the Church. They knew from experience that there is not a lot of draw for many people in just the normal weekly services. With the Leading of the Holy Spirit they created Royal Rangers. This new program was tough enough to draw. We have almost gone full circle and if your part of a Church that no longer has Royal Rangers your missing it. Period.

In my personal opinion
Mark Jones
Winter Event report.
SW Division had 32 people attend the event. There were more boys than leaders and want to thank you Royal Ranger Leaders for bringing boys to this event.

There were all kinds of leather crafting and bead work being done this year. I counted about 10 tables full of these items that were being taught, assisted, given, purchased, traded. I saw boys learning how to care for and seal up leather boots. We had several young men that had never did a flint and steel fire before. This was quite a treat for them. In our competition we had a first and second place and those boys received a completed Bush Crafters Red Oak Buck Saw first place and second place a Solid Wood Pine Lantern with a customized door and barber pole.

Mainly leather craft and some Knife and Hawk Throwing and fire craft and Trading. While we were setup for making Ranger Derby Cars and FCF wood craft items the trailer was only used the night before at the LOCAL Outpost ONLY Event of Derby Crafting and Game night.

We had a good time. Dan Rockafellow our SWD VP and team cooked up some really good chili and hot dogs and John Mark Bell guarded the lemonade from all the would be pre drinkers of the juice.

We missed our beloved SWD FCF VP Joshua Pennekamp as he is now Married and living in Wyoming. I bet it's cold up there...it's 3 degrees here today! HA! We have a tentative to be announced shortly FCF VP that will also do a great job in our Chapter.

We had 2 Nominations for Scout from the SW Division. There could be more. Other Divisions will be adding more to this number at our Chapter Scout Evaluations at Spring Outing.
SW Div Nominations:
Taylor Fifield currently SW Div Assistant Scout
Jackson Bell currently NW Div Assistant Scout

The event concluded with a South West Division Meeting with about 15 in attendance.

Wanted to Thank you each and everyone in your help in Building up Jesus Church through Royal Ranger Ministry.
Mark Jones, Grin, Daniel Boone Chapter FCF Company Clerk
Zip File of all these Pictures