April 19th and 20th, 2024 Sam's Throne over night campout and day rappel.
Temps low of 46 high of 65. After setting up camp for 45 minutes we took a
day hike to the Ciff face and talked about the 10 foot rule. We then
tagged 4 anchor point trees with Ranger Tags to reserve them for Saturdays
No forecast of rain but it did rain for about a hour at 12:30 pm and
once again we all had to scramble to stay day in alternate configurations.
Special thanks to Rob Batchman and Jennifer Fisher for sharing the pictures with
us. Click on a picture for a larger view.
Zip file
of all these pictures.
Rain or shine it's always a perfect day for a over night campout and rappel.
We had 2 brand new first time campers and they were both excited and fired up
about camping.
8 pm we enjoyed a round robin council fire service with each person sharing
in 5 words or less something that changed their lives for the good. Then
one more time around something that made them stop and think about something
could be good or not. They were instructed to keep it for public.
Some things are NOT TO BE SHARED PUBLICLY! The Pastor that led me to the
Lord 35 plus years ago told me "TELL GOD --- He is the only ONE that can fix it
anyway man will only remember you for it:" The Holy Spirit is called in
the Bible "The Mighty Counselor" this has always been my policy even when
teaching. One can not go wrong doing this. If you have to talk to a
human you had BEST MAKE SURE they won't spread it around as there are FEW that
can keep a secret. Between me and Rob and Justin we had a meat and
potatoes service with a memory round robin and preaching out of 1st Samuel.
This was the first trip for our Outpost this year. It was requested by
past staff that has moved on to reduce the number of RR events to allow more
room for other ministries. I knew this would leave the Ranger Boys a bit
frustrated but we are team players and are hopefully moving back to a robust RR
program again. Not doing local outpost camping, hikes, float trips is
missing out on some of the best relational ministries available. Don't
take me wrong on this. I believe most ministries in and off the Church, Sunday
School, Youth, Church -Section - National Events. Each has a niche that
they excel in. Our youth are only young for a few years. It
won't be long before they are bonded to work and family and the care free years
will only be memories. Encourage your youth to go and do. "I
almost went" is the saddest testimony. It's a empty testimony. No
memories. No challenges. No skills.
Our group was very experienced in past rappels and quickly after a morning
teaching session going over the Silver Rappelling Merit and Climb on Safety
Booklet and some at camp hands on anchoring and equipment checks we headed to
the cliff faces. Short prayer and a reminder of the 10 foot rule we set
about anchoring 2 ropes and 5 anchors as well as a tether line and a Top Belay
rope. I was very pleased to say this was one of the best groups in
practice of the Silver Rappelling merit and Rappel communications. At
11:45 we pulled up the ropes packed it all up and headed back to base camp about
1000 feet of up hill.
Group Shot at Trail Head
After a quick lunch most of the group hiked over to Sam's Throne and enjoyed
some boldering to get up there. We left the camp at 3pm and after a stop
over at the Golden Arches Lounge we were back in Ozark by 5:30 pm. A
wonderful trip with many great memories and some new experiences and skills