June 5th -8th, 2024 Southern Missouri District Pow Wow Camp Millhouser
Special thanks to Rob Batchman, Dan Rockafellow and Ron Blackburn for sharing
these pictures with us.
Weather was good. Temps mid 80's. We did have a couple of inches of
rain in the night hours on 2 nights and some on Sunday morning packing up.
Close to 360 in attendance.
Click on a picture for a larger view.
Zip file of all
these pictures. Will try and get Over all winners posted here.
A note from our District Director:
Thank you to everyone who made this year’s Pow-Wow such a great success. We
seemed to have a really great time together and we were blessed with excellent
weather Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during the day. It was warm but not too
hot and cooled off perfectly at night.
Thank you to all those who ran activities, helped cook or serve meals, helped to
get the camp ready, cleaned bathrooms, picked up trash, or helped in one of the
many other ways. Your efforts make events like this possible for all of us.
But thanks most of all to all the outpost leaders who brought boys to Pow-Wow. I
know the sacrifice you make to get them there – sending info home to parents &
trying to collect it all again, planning the menu and buying the groceries,
cleaning out the trailer & loading the gear, getting up early and staying up
late, driving the van all the way to camp & back with a load of crazy boys,
setting up & breaking camp, and so much more, all while trying to keep an eye on
every boy.
There will likely be times when you’re exhausted and maybe a little frustrated,
and you begin to ask yourself if it’s all really worth it. Maybe you even think
its time to just step away and let someone else do this. And then you come to
Pow-Wow and see 34 boys respond to the message Friday night, 34 boys who know
Christ today in a new and better way. Even if none of your boys responded
visibly, you had a part in creating the environment where those boys did. And
next time, it may be your boys who respond.
Everything you do matters. Even when you may not see the fruit of your labors,
the seed has been planted and is growing, even though it may take while to
appear above the surface.
You have a role to play. You were made for a mission. And even though challenges
may come, you are empowered by the Spirit to BE THE MAN you were created to be,
and DO THE WORK you were created to do, wherever that path may lead. And
wherever it takes you, we’ll go there together.
Thanks again for all you do. We’ll see you again soon.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so
that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
John Hicks, Director
SoMo District Royal Rangers