Imagine that every boy in a Evangelical Bible Believing Church in the US can have access to Royal Ranger Ministry at no cost to them.  No charter fee. No curriculum fee.  This is exciting!!!!

 Please join with me in this effort.  Many of you were raised in Royal Rangers.  Many of you while you may not have Royal Rangers in your Church know in your heart this program/ministry makes a big impact for good in boys and men's lives here in the USA.  Please join with me in making this Every Boy Initiative reach out and impact every square mile of the United States allowing each boy access to the life changing practices of Royal Rangers.  This is US Missions at work!    If each of us You and I follow through and click this QR code and click on a few keys and give as unto the Lord  this $25.00 each month backing this Initiative we will see Growth in the lives of boys and men in the US! 

Here is a link to a video about this Every Boy Imitative.

Introducing the "Every Boy Initiative" - YouTube

Here is a QR Code that you can scan with your phone QR code App that will take you right to the place to make this happen under your watch.

Just in case you like a click on link to this site here is that link.