06-09-2023 Southern Missouri District - Network Pow Wow held at Camp
Thank you to all who participated in our district Pow-Wow last week. The event
was a great success due to the efforts of many leaders all across our district.
The purpose of Pow-Wow is to provide you and your boys an opportunity to
participate in a weekend adventure filled with fun activities, great fellowship,
and a refreshing time in the presence of the Lord. I hope you all found it to
be a great experience.
I wanted to share with you some interesting details about Pow-Wow this year:
We had
35 boys come forward to accept Christ, either for the first time, or as a
recommitment. Praise the Lord! This alone make everything we do fully
recognized the leaders from (10) outposts as “Five Star Leaders” for
bringing boys to Pow-Wow the last 5 years in a row, and the leaders from (2)
additional outposts as “Three Star Leaders” for bring boys the last 3 years
in a row. An additional (6) outposts had only missed one year in the last
five. This speaks of the incredible faithfulness of our outpost leaders and
their commitment to doing whatever it takes to get boys to Pow-Wow.
received contributions and donations of food supplies valued at over $4,200
to underwrite the cost of Pow-Wow and enable us to keep the registration
fees one of the lowest of any district in the country. Lower fees open the
door to enable more boys to attend who may not be able to afford higher
priced camps. This again speaks of the faithfulness of our leaders and
partners who believe in what we are doing and want to be a part of it.
Our goal is to continually re-evaluate and improve Pow-Wow in any way we can.
We invite you to complete a brief
online survey to give us feedback so we
can make this event the best it can be for you and your boys next year.
Report submitted by District Director John Hicks.
Here is some pictures that were submitted
by Rob Batchman, Mark Jones - Face book and Dan Rockafellow. Click on a
picture for a larger view.
Zip File of
all these pictures.
New Life Assembly in
Barnett Pow Wow Video.