What a pile of cedars. We did get some short logs out of them.

Just north of the log cabin along water drainage

These cedars blocked off alot of the FCF camping area.

We left most of the hardwoods that we could save.

Clearing land is hard work

We cut the trees down to 4 foot then used a backhoe to pull them out after some digging.

I was worn out after 5 hours

We are excited to share our FCF camping with more folk.

Wanted to express thanks to Jim Evans for bringing his trailer, backhoe and saw along with box blade and a 3 day work ethic to get this project completed.  This is faze one .  We need to clear out some more down this ditch line to the FCF lake/pond area.  Jim also raked and seeded the area with 2 types of seed.  The pile of cedars was moved to the field down by the barn for a later burn and cleanup.  Will try and get the rest of this work done in 2024 with lots of help behind the vision.