What a wash! What a time! I was thinking when I got Baptized how wonderful it
was to go under that water and come out a new creation.
Our 2022 Cardboard Boat Regatta was indeed "What a wash" and What a Time". This
past month on my calendar Royal Rangers was so filled with Pow Wow, Canoe Action
Camporama, Junior Leadership Development Accad and in my case a 5 night cruise.
Only a few days last month was that we could take a breath and relax. The rest
of the time it
was about the Master's Work.
A short video of the race
with lots of fun included by John Hicks.
Click on a picture for a larger view.
Zip file of
all these pictures.
July 29th and 30th, 2022 the month was with out rain. Everything was pretty much
sun cooked and brown. With all the high prices and recession that was hitting
our land we experienced mostly a decline
in numbers all across the board. It has been a very expensive year. I will say
we did have a Ranger Derby at our Divisional Race that had almost 3 times as
many there has been these past few years before but on average every one has
been affected by these prices we see at the pump, store and all across the
The weeks leading up to the Regatta was full with all kinds of activities so
only half a dozen boats were built compared to previous years of 16 to 25 boats
racing.. We had 6 boats racing. 3 in RK and DR classes and 3 in the AR and ER
classes. The evening before the weather was perfect with cooler weather and no
rain. The group enjoyed a council fire with Richard Michael speaking. A evening
of feasting on a Rib dinner and trimmings for the 22 present. Generally we
average about 100 at that meal. Some years more some years just under that. This
year the extra ribs were purchased and taken home by the attendees for a next
few days Rib o Rama. Thanks Commander Dan for those great Ribs.
Ray and his wife Linda prepared the groceries and had all things prepared and
ready to go.
Saturday morning at 6 am I left my house in Ozark to bring the Regatta race
stuff and get it setup in time for the Big Race. Forecast was 80% chance of a
good wash during the hours of the devotion and races. In my prayers for that
event I spoke to the Lord and said God if you would bring a down pour on us
during this race than let it be so as we need the rain. Either way we will give
you the Glory. Upon arrival I found John Straughn, Rodney Lillard, Richard
Michael and Dan Rockafellow's groups breaking camp and getting ready for the big
race knowing the rain was on it's way.
This was the first time in my 20 plus years of regattas that I didn't come down
to camp. My wife's Mom had passed into Glory the Thursday before the race. My
job in Ranger Ministry was modified to make sure Family was taken care of first.
Our God is a great God and His promises are Eternal and my Prayer Warrior
Milllie, my wifes mother is certainly in a much better place now than we are. We
are so blessed as Christians to know that we know that we will see them again in
a Glorified body and a perfect place that we can only try to imagine. Yet those
of us that are still here have a calling to get accomplished...mine is Ranger
At 9:45 am as we awaited a couple more boats to show and the crowd was near 35
or so. Richard Michael shared the Gospel with rain pouring over him and he
didn't miss a tick. We praised God in that hard rain and then got busy racing 2
heats of 3 boats each. Passing out plaques as they came in. My plaques were
readable in the garage but when the rain hit them the grain raised the carved
letters and my best laid plans didn't happen as wished they had. With God's help
I will do better next time.
Grace Point, Abundant Life, Branson First and Evangel Temple sent their best to
this years race. There is no doubt in my mind if these folk lived in the old
testament days and were told were following God's Man Moses out into the dessert
they would have been their smiling and Ready for Anything!!!! I love these folk.
The rest of you that didn't get mentioned I know God has a blessing in store for
you! Thank you one and all.