05-20-2022 FCF Spring Trace and Frontier Adventure.
Wow May is full of surprises this year. I had 2 graduation and one 90
year old Bday party to attend during this event. Between the forecast of
80% rain and gas prices at $95.00 per tank it was a push to get to this event
this year. As always Lord willing we get it done! We had 40 at this
event about 12 youngbucks.. 7 were in Black Powder Course and 5 young
bucks went through the Frontier Adventure to be come members in the Daniel Boone
Chapter FCF. With 7 instructors doing Black Powder and all the other
events to teach and prove skills for the FCF applicants we still enjoyed the fun
of Daniel Boone style camping with lots and lots and lots of rain. Some
stayed over to Sunday and reported perfect weather for a over night and pack up
and out after church services on Sunday morning.
This has been a rebound year from covid so our numbers were way down from
last year where we had more than double in camp and 4 times as many applicants.
Yet it was worth it to go the distance and get Ranger Ministry out and working.
These FCF members work hard and give hard to make these events special denying
self and comfort. Not many will do this kind of ministry as it is
difficult and tiring. Ohhhh but the joy we will have one day when my
Jesus I shall see!!!
Special thanks to Dan Rockafellow and Craig Kelley for sharing these pictures with us.
Click on a picture for a larger view.