October 13th
- 17th, 2021. Wow what a great event! Once we all got past the registration
process we had a great time. The hot topic of online registration was I tried
it 3 times and I just now on the last day of the event got a e-mail that said I
was approved to attend. HA! FCF members have to under go some very tough
situations some times. Company Clerk brought hard copy and extra personal
permission forms to cover just in case the online faith failed. GRIN! Ok on
to fun stuff! If you have a report or pictures to add to this send
to markjonesranger@hotmail.com
Rick Barnhouse Reporting in:
86 in attendance. 30 of those YB. 1 new wilderness member.
New National and Territorial Scouts. Ryan Evarts from So. MO is our New National
Scout. Craig Kelley was Top Bobcat. SOMO won the traveling trophy this
year. Bob (Two Forks) did an awesome job. Thanks to SoMo for hosting us.
More pictures after this report.
Special thanks to Mark Jones, Dan Rockafellow , Rob Batchman and Rick Barnhouse
for sharing these pictures with us.
Zip File of all these pictures.
Territorial President, Bob Triphahn (Two Forks) once again performed his roll
what seems so effortlessly as he is well gifted in all the needs of his title.
From Log Cabin builder, Grounds cleanup, constant communications for the past
several months for this event. Schedules, Registration, Prizes, Competitions,
Patches, Wilderness and 1000 other things. "To Give and to Serve" was so well
displayed by example. Thanks Two Forks for a great event.
Our Chapter
was blessed by a stand in for FCF Presidents role in hosting this event. Jerry
(Gerald) Haines, (Twiggy, Flintlock} spent almost every week up at the camp
grounds this past 2 months getting our Camp Millhouser camp ground up to speed
on this event. So much thanks to all of you that helped out on these hundreds
of tasks to show us READY! I could continue on with naming names but God knows
you and what you have given to further His Kingdom and you will surely receive a
Eternal Thanks for these efforts.
Members that took their resources and time to come and participate in this
activity is so important. ALL of us make these events wonderful. Your gifts of
making the theme look, taste, feel like a real 1600s to 1820s camp great. The
many donations of prizes and cool hand made items are so special to Young Bucks
and Ole Timers. During our Missions Auction the joy of giving was amplified by
knowing I had something that these special folk had made and I grin thinking
about that.
Our weather
event was about 2" of rain spread out over Wed - Friday mid morning then the
rest of Friday thru Sunday was cooler temperatures. Where the campfires and
candle lanterns kept us warm during the council fire services. Our boys learned
that a blanket or long tunic over the knees and a candle lantern placed under
that would keep you from freezing in those 50 degree services.
We were
blessed by David North, (Rainman) as our speaker 3 nights and enjoyed the move
of the Holy Spirit around our services and morning devotions. When the Lord
speaks to you. Be obedient first. then second, understanding will come. The
song services were very enjoyable with the Members from Evangel Temple playing
stringed instruments and harmonicas. (they did get lost on their way there
missing their the first night but what can you expect from artisits..ha...love
these young men) Two Forks had to pinch hit a quick on demand sermon but with
God's Help he did a great job.
So many great
things to say and I could go on for many more pages. Yet our Boys had a great
time. From our Outpost perspective we saw and witnessed our FCF Motto. "To
give and to serve"
I will say
that Phil's coffee cake was the best I have ever eaten. I would give up his
last name but just saying no to that for I may must get a taste again If the
Town Cryer will hush up for a bit on that!!!!
Road Kill
learned I can be invisible when rain is heading our way and I am trying to get
my camp dry! Forgive me my brother. I was doing it for the 11 in my group ok
and for me too. Blessings.
In my humble
opinion, Mark Jones,
(Grin) Daniel Boone Chapter Company Clerk and Town Cryer. Click on a
picture for a larger view.
Rick Barnhouse, (Dark Horse) shared these with us.
Thanks Rick.
Pictures by Dan Rockafellow, (Tall Timber) Thanks for
Sharing Dan!