12-04-2020 Branson 1st Assembly. 50 people (really like family) from the Southern Missouri District meet to enjoy some Christmas Cheer! Special thanks to the Branson 1st Team that put all this work to a major blessing!
Friday night at 7:00 p.m. the group prayed over the food that was provided and the snacks, treats, sweets that were brought with them.
This year has been a struggle for all of us with the Covid 19 Virus. It' has canceled so much of Living the Adventure.
John Hicks our District Director welcomed the group and Feasting and Fun was heading our way. The tables were decorated and the warmth and glow of the Christmas fire was crackling up on the big screen and under that was a neat display of Christmas tree Pallets.
All kinds of fun games that were all kept with Social distancing in mind. Masks were being worn and hand sanitizer abounded!
We had a newly wed game and laughed a lot. We also did a have you ever..... game and prizes were given out.
Richard Michael kept me laughing tell it hurt with the favorite white elephant gift exchange was a HOOT! With about 25 gifts being coveted, traded and yup even stolen a mean way of saying traded with light hearted fun. I think the high light was the 800000 volt stick tazer that David Perkins opened up and he kept pulling it out and scaring his wife Brenda and me and the other 50 people there. Then Rick Barnhouse stole it from David and the excitement moved to that side of the room. HA! It was a hoot!
Arron Napier led us in some Christmas songs at the closing of the gathering.
Mark Jones, So. MO District Communications Coordinator Click on a picture for a larger view!