April 20th, 21st, 22nd, 2018 So. Mo. District Royal Rangers Survival Action Camp at our Pow Wow Campground
A report from one of our local Pastors. 
Concerning SAC (Survival Action Camp): My sons had a great time this weekend! Thank you so much for all the leaders (mentors) who assisted with this.
I had to wash their clothes twice and still cannot get the smoke smell out of them! They washed their hair several time and the smoke smell is still strong.
Making memories and serving the LORD! Thank you again. Looking forward the CAC (Canoe Action Camp) and Leadership Training camps!
Damon Durran
Report by Mark Jones   47 attended the Survival Action Camp and we were blessed by Paul Ehrich as our First Aid and Safety Officer that covered our first aid issues as we went through this camp.
A year ago we put the first Survival Action Camp on the District Calendar.  3 months out we started advertising this survival action camp.  Produced 4 simple videos with links on the web for the outposts to view as they review the material together.  Primitive Shelters, Primitive Snares, Wilderness Survival.  A review of first aid, tool safety, orienteering. fire craft, nature study was also encouraged.  All of these were practiced over Friday 7:30 p.m. to Sunday around noon. 


I found out that almost all of the leaders had reviewed the information with in the last month with their boys.  You could tell which ones had not seen this material in the last 2 months.  I was very please to see that 95% of folks took the list requirements and brought them.
My job in all this is to PRAY!  Staying in a relationship with Christ He knows my heart.  He knows my intentions.  He hears our prayers.  With out HIM it would not happen.  The Blessings of the Lord are Wonderful. 
Jerry Millhouser kept us stocked with items to eat as we proved skills  Friday night it was Popcorn and Koolaid as we reviewed and prepared in the Education Building.   Saturday morning, hot Chocolate or Coffee.  Then when we were heading out on our half mile hike we were given a Brownie and Apple
Off through the woods they went following a heading.  Using the 3 person method of land compass navigation.  They made it to!!!  2 leaders that had been to base camp was in the group while I cleaned up my stuff and headed over to the base camp location with the trailer.
Friday the day before a small group of 6 met at the base camp location at the Pow Wow campground and sawed off cedar tree limbs  from the ground up to 6 feet with a pole chain saw, chainsaw and 4 pruners 2 of those were the 50 dollar pruners that proved to be in constant use.  Note to self to buy 2 more of them.  Rob made a couple of cedar trees into palm trees...... errr um... ok. 
At base camp with the group arriving.  They got to look at a couple of shelters that were started and then they picked their site and built their shelters.  This process continued on all day even up to dark off and on between classes.  Joshua, Marshall and Jarred had created a awesome shelter with a 3' high debris bed that I was told was very comfortable. 
We taught Nature study, Fire craft, Used tools and sheath knives, sharpened them, made fire starting tools, practiced all kinds.  Retrieved pond water showed purification methods.  Hauled that back 1200 feet to base camp.
(they filtered at the pond and boiled water) then we gave them all they needed to drink and cook with of good well water) Keeping the 2 gallon cans of water for fire control).
So many other things to say and folk to thank.  The pictures are worth a 1000 words each.  Take a look and make plans to get in on these camps. 
Rob Batchman delivered some of the best preaching you will find. Simple Gospel.  Right to the heart.  Challenged us to not only subdue the land and survive but to THRIVE!  I am blessed to have such a group of men in arms length that I consider closer than a brother.  God is blessing us with these folk He sends our way.
Click on a picture for a larger view.  Zip file of all these pictures.  Special thanks to Rob Batchman, Mark Jones, John Martin and Joshua Pennekamp for the Pictures!


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