02-24-2018 Springfield Missouri Outpost 6 Ranger Derby Race  Special thanks to Pastor Justin and Mark Jones for the pictures.

110 folks attending.  50 cars racing. From 9:00 am to 10:45 am.

John Nance and crew setup the track stations the night before and tested equipment for a smooth race.  We meet at 5:30 pm and was heading home by 7:30 pm.  A very fast setup.  Our track due to the hard rain with heavy humidity was swelling up so we had some track repairs and re-gluing of Formica.  The laptop was running very slowly.  Downloaded a free program called Glary utilities and all was fixed and running smoothly again. 

David Huff brought the race devotion.  Slide show was playing from 8:00 am to devotion start.  Pit was busy Ray Reece led the last minute weights and car alignments.  We had a drill press and 2 hand drills there and a scale at both the registration table and the pit table.  Ray is very good at getting the cars to run straight.

Snack bar serving up biscuits and gravy and donuts and drinks.  Jackson Woodward was our Race Starter.  Commander David lead the DR and AR boys in the heat staging of cars.   Eddie Kirsch and John Jury ran the data and computer entry and racing.  Norm Kirsch led up the Registration.  Jewel Woodward and Linda Reece led up the Snack bar with Kirk Watson from Friends of Rangers helping out!.  I saw all kinds of folks helping out as usual and I will miss some names here but know your were very much appreciated.  Special thanks to our District Commander Jerry for taking part in our Design Judging.

The races were fast and we had almost no reruns.  Of those only 2 where the cars came off the track.  Other than that it was smooth as silk racing!  My part in this is a true delegator.  It's fun teaching and learning a new thing.  Each year we all learn from one another. 

A great race.  A fun time.  Success! 

Mark Jones,  Town Cryer!

New Race Staff did a excellent job.

Racing up on tables allows all to see

Racers alley.

Action Jackson did a great job!

David Huff and team are the best!

John helping to make it all happen.

Racing Classes

Expedition Cars

Unlimited some cars were 2.5 pounds

Lots of heat trophies

Support from Parents is awesome

Family of Life long Derby Winners!

Lots of spectators

Pastor Justin taking a picture of me while I did the same to him.

Track Tuneup

Caught in the act of promoting Royal Rangers

Almost a GMA and a Saber and is a Fine Young Man

Close the Start gate!

Pit crew hard at it.


Humidity and Wood Tracks are a work in progress!

Lots of things going on.

Run those Cars!

Justin like the finish line.

Start Gate Line up

Winners get Trophies!

2 times a Winner! Good Job!