November, 18th Saturday morning 7:45 am to Sunday evening 5:30 pm.
My nephew Jared German met Rob Batchman and I and we headed out to
Branson for a meet up with Justin Fisher. Justin did the favor and
drove his truck. Weather had 20% chance of rain. Wind gusts
to 35 mph, Started out at 64 degrees for a high and by noon it was
40 with a low of 30 in the wee hours of the morning. The misting
rain at 40 degrees was chili. We went more asphalt and drove 65
south to Witts Spring and then drove 7 miles of gravel road coming in on
the south east side of Richland Creek. Made the Backpack in from
Richland Creek Campground a little slicker than usual. Both
Falling Water and Richland Creek were lower then usual and we only had
to step across rocks this trip. Never needed our River Crossing
A Link to Justin Fishers Report on this trip.
We made great time with only one stop on the way in. 1.5 hours
to the 90 bend of Richland Creek and Twin Falls juncture. It was
misting rain a bit so I sat my tent up first and then piled my gear
inside and put up my low to the ground Helionx chair in the vestibule of
my tent and with the wind and misting off of me I cooked up some Packet
Gourmet Texan Chili with cheese and corn chips. Enjoyed the heat
of the stove as I watched the rest of the guys setup camp. When we
all had our late lunch and our shelters and hammocks setup we dragged up
firewood...BIG PILE! It was going to be cold tonight and we wanted
enough to last in the morning as well.
We put on our day packs. I always carry emergency stuff when I
go day hiking. Didn't bring any snacks as we only had 3 hours
before dark. So up Richland Creek we went. We enjoyed
Richland Creek Falls. They go all across the river. At his
time there was about 8 little waterfalls 8' tall going over as the creek
was low. Still plenty of water in it to make it pretty. Yet
no river crossing shoes needed. Stepping stones is fun with the
occasional 1" of water so waterproof boots are wonderful. We met a
couple backpacking there. They had never been there and was asking where
things were. We pointed them to various places and saw them the
next day at Twin Falls.
We just had to explore. so up the creek we went. Following the
river banks. When it got cliffy we crossed over to the other side
After 1.5 hours we opted out to turn around and head back. Always
exploring and going in takes longer than coming back. We found the
Richland Creek to just be amazing. Wild. Serene and we were
tough men going the distance. Woo who.
Back at camp our humor is always fun. We laugh at funny stuff.
For example when Rob pulls his head lamp out to adjust it and the rubber
band slips off the lamp and it slaps him across his forehead with a pop
that you know that had to hurt and we're all rolling around laughing
until our lungs hurt. The night is full of funny stuff.
We just laugh all the way to dark.
The fire was 5' long. It started out as a big fire ring.
I removed half of it and stacked those on the back side to make a
reflector fire as it was going to be a cold night. Justin helped out.
We cut off a 5" chunk of a dead hardwood tree about 8" in diameter and
then baton that down to 2 finger thick 5" long sticks for his biolight.
Good hardwood burns hot and longer than just twigs. He cut enough
that lasted him for supper and breakfast.
5:45 pm we heard someone come in after dark. We were camped
next to a big rock the size of a small garage and couldn't see who it
was. After a while I got up to get my food bag that was hanging up
in the tree 20' up. I saw 3 young ladies there. I said have you
all been here before? They said no. I said I have been here
a dozen times and wouldn't walk that trail in the dark you girls are
brave. They asked about Twin Falls where it was. I looked
down at the ground they were gathered around and their fire had gone
out. I invited them to our camp but it was dark and they stayed
put. I went to my tent at around 9:30 pm.
It was dark and quite with the creek babbling. I could see the
glowing fire just under my rain fly and soon all was fast asleep.
I don't know why I couldn't sleep. I was comfortable, warm. dry
but tossed and turned most of the night. 4:30 am I heard Justin
get up and stoke the fire a bit. 30 degrees. Stars all
5:30 I was up. Packed my sleeping bag and organized my gear.
Got out and Justin was stoking the fire. Morning! Soon camp
was in full swing. Jared had a cool night. His sleeping bag zipper
had broken and the hammock was cold yet he didn't complain much.
Just said it was a cold night. I told him of my night just up the
creek in a hammock many years ago. Hammocks need under quilts or
you will just freeze in them.
We packed up our day packs and the college girls followed us up to
Twin Falls. We left them their as we went up above the falls and
explored the left creek looking at it down stream. The 60 foot
cliff scramble was fun. I have done this several other times but
folks it was a cliff climb very difficult grabbing on to trees and rocks
and pulling yourself up. Not to bad for a ole timer like me.
(sometimes I think I am crazy doing this stuff) yet it's fun and
their is adventure in it.
Our trip up the creek was full of that's cool. That's neat.
That's awesome. In between all that is careful steps planning each
foot hold so as not to slip. There is almost NO FLAT on this
trail. It's always a step up, down, around, over, through or a
climb or decent. It's wild. Rob said on the way out.
Mark there must be an Anointing on us. I know there is. If
we do our part and prepare and be smart God gives the blessing.
Every backpack is prayed over. Days leading up. It's a
constant prayer. A thought. A thanks Lord.
We returned to base camp packed up and had 8 others we passed on the
way back to the vehicles. We left at 12:35 and a short 1.5 hours
long. hike on the way out. Stopped at 6 Finger Falls.
Stopped in Harrison for Chinese Buffet. Returned to my house at
5:30 pm. Fun trip. We are Blessed.
Robs Youtube videos!
file of all these pictures.