2017 Ranger Essentials Training at Oak Grove AOG in Springfield Missouri.
Gary Rowe our SW Division Training Coordinator held a Ranger Essentials Class on
Saturday October 28th. He was assisted by Jerry Millhouser, Ray Reece
and doing student teaching Mark Jones. The class had 9 leaders from
our area and we enjoyed the fellowship and their input in the training sessions
Lunch time Rob and Cindy Helfer cooked up a pot of Steak and Vegetable stew and
a raspberry desert that had us going back for seconds! The team of both
teachers and students were refreshed in the best part of working with our
Rangers. The leaders manual is packed full of good info. I
personally find it a good idea to pick it up and read some chapters out of it to
refresh what we know about our Rangers and often forget. In our busy life
the things that matter can often slip right on past us.
Years past after the ICS training in 2006 my instructor certifications
expired and I didn't renew my training. Our District in 2006 had just
under 40 Instructors./ Here is a picture of that ICS I attended.
Rangers and training has changed significantly and we currently have 11
instructors on staff at this time for our District. To give honor where
honor is due in alphabetical order by last name our So. MO Instructors are Rick
Barnhouse, Don Bixler, Ralph Davis, Norm Kirsch, Kelly Michael, Richard
Michael, Jerry Millhouser, Ray Reece, Frank Reed, Gary Rowe, Larry Toll.
Last week in my preparations for student teaching I was reminded of the
hard work that goes into holding these training events. Just my 2 hours of
teaching took several hours of prep time to become acquainted with the new
training and to become a subject matter expert. We are blessed to
have Richard Michael as our District Training Coordinator and in April once
again we will come together at our District Leadership Conference to do our best
to hone our skills at being the BEST Ranger Leader we can be.
Click on a picture for a larger view.
ICS in Rolla Missour 2006
Training this past Saturday at Oak Grove AOG in Springfield Missouri.
It's worth it. One day we will hear "Well done" and I so much long
to hear the Creator of this Universe say that to me and you!!!
Mark Jones, So. MO Dist. Communication Coordinator.