March 15th - 18th.,2017 Lead Conference in Springfield Missouri.   Royal Ranger Staff and Leaders from all around the Nation came together for a 4 day Conference.  I attended 3 days of this informative event.  While 3 days of setting in meetings doesn't really fire me up.  The camaraderie, the devotion to Ranger Ministry, the heart that is felt and displayed, the worship and preaching make it worth it.  So many years our District Staff have attended these conferences.  Folks while most of us worked these days at our normal every day things.  These men and ladies spent their time better preparing themselves so they can bring a even better ministry home to share with you and I.  Wisdom - tweaking - trying something new - going back to something that worked - were a few things I saw going on these past 3 days. 

I took my first online RR training today.  It wore me out.  Took me a bit over 2 hours and my eyes were blood shot and I was wound up....yet I got a good refresher on Ranger Safety.  A few years back the same course was called Safety and the Church.  Some revisions but it was a quick study and the online part made it EASY for me to get that training done so I could complete my last Advanced Step.  Yes, I went back through and took the training.  NRMC was fun,.   Ranger Basics and Ranger Essentials also helped me.  The inner action of the classrooms and Trainers made this a lot of fun.   .  Sorry not a lot of pictures here but much was taught and much was learned.  I did get 9 Trappers brigade Applications this week.  Thanks!  Click on a picture for a larger view

Down town Springfield!

Simple Praise and Worship Good stuff!

Several hundred folk here!

Jerry and Don leading our District

Lots of visual!

cell phone voting!

Lots of discussions


Slide shows and displays


Awards and Honor!

Each level enteracting with the next level

BGMC Bird Houses!

Even Trainers get trained!