Once again we had a awesome time at this years SWD Pow Wow and Cardboard Boat
We gotta do what we gotta do!
Race Results
Many times winners are only a point away! Your all Winners!
August 5th and 6th, 2016. Friday day was hot with a high of 94 our day
started early at 10:00 am. We stopped over to the Ranger Annex and picked up the
Flat Bed Trailer (thanks Norm Kirsch) and loaded up 8 pieces of cardboard about
7' by 15 feet. Loaded up our 3 boats. My truck was full of pumps, PA, computer
and printer and inner tubes, tarps, hoses and air compressors and tables and
Click on a picture for a larger view. Ray Reece once again pull it all
together and gave us one nice South West Division Pow Wow and Regatta. Ray
you inspire us with your patience and kindness and hard work ethic. Thanks
for letting us serve with you in this neat ministry of Royal Rangers!
Video on Youtube of
some of our fun!
Special thanks to Dan Rockafellow, John and Sierra Nance, Rob Batchman and
Mark Jones for the pictures.
After a quick lunch at the Purple Burrito. We headed to Mutton Creek on
Stockton Lake. This privately owned campground on the lake is perfect for what
we do there. We rent about 8 sites. As we pulled in we notice Abundant Life was
already setup. Kirk Watson and staff were busy smoking ribs and potatoes on site
and soon every hour or so a new group showed up for the fun!
After we unloaded and positioned the trailer down to the waters edge and
setup all the "stuff" it was time for a relaxing float on inner tubes in the
lake. I think I did that 3 times that afternoon as it was hot and that lake just
hit the spot on cooling us off.
The lake was down this year and the cove was only about 5 feet deep at it's
deeps point and about 400 feet across it. We cleared out rocks of all kinds and
positioned cardboard with tarps over them for the launch and the water balloon
filling station. Setup the PA system. Joe's Tire Shop donated about 5 big tubes
they fixed for us a few years back and several car tire tubes we bought from
Wal-Mart years back. These make hardy floats for the boys and girls.
7:00 pm we all came together for a Rib Dinner with baked potatoes, smoked
green beans, salad and pudding and all the trimmings. All that for only 4.00 a
plate. Wow!
Jimmy Winch stacked the council fire and with a little cedar bark and fence
pieces and some lamp oil Oliver had it going quickly. Rob Helfer did a great job
of bring the message of "DON'T QUIT" as he relayed a story of what his Dad told
him when he was going through the Marines Boot Camp. We had a good time of
sharing testimonies and praying for folks of all ages and the rest of the
evening was a perfect time of fellowship and talk. Watermelon YES!
It was a hot nights sleep as the humidity was so high you just laid there and
sweated with out a fan blowing. Finally 6:30 came and camp was stirring!
Morning breakfast in our camp was "Norm's famous baggie omelets" we had a
pretty good group and we all had our own handmade perfect omelet. With sunny D
it was topped off in delight!
At 9:30 it looked like it would pour at any time. We opted to get started and
it poured. RAIN! RAIN! and more Rain! NO lightning. We just forgoes some of the
pomp and circumstance and after a quick devotion the racing was on.
Richard Michael and Rob Batchman once again teamed up to announce the race.
It's worth it all just to hear these two improv on this race and have us all
laughing the whole time. Wow we are BLESSED! Thanks guys. We
praise God for you and your talents that you share with us all.
I gave up on seeing and just left my glasses in the truck as the heavy rain
just kept them clouded. We just DID It! We just heard a devotion of Don't quit
and we didn't. We raced 14 boats and still had a great time. 12:00 noon we had
all the awards given out and were eating Andy's Frozen Custard and the rain let
up and it was a nice cloudy yet cool time of cleaning up and putting stuff back
into the truck.
We were 1.5 hours ahead of schedule. Yet it was WET and it WAS WILD and Yet
we had a great time in it.
One of the outposts from down by Joplin had tire issues so we pulled the
razor blade out of the tire and pumped it back up. I hope they made it back in
good shape. Our trailer blew a tire on the way back but with no spare and a
light load we were not delayed by much. I love trailer tires. They will rot
before the tread gets worn. About every 5 years I have to put a new set of 4 on
my travel trailer as they will blow. One trip we had 4 blow outs between our
camper and my brother in-laws. I noticed we barely made it back as the other
tire was splitting out as well. I pray that God blesses each one of you as you
give of your time, talents and goods to make Ranger Ministry the best it can be.
Lord knows these kids and young people have way to many other "Not good" choices
to explore. While we do our Best to Reach, Teach and the hardest part Keep our
young folk for Christ. Keep up the good work and "DON'T QUIT!"
Mark Jones