The SW Division Day Camp is History. There were 43 Ranger Kids, 40 commanders
and other adults, and 18 older boys for a total of 101 for the noon meal. The
church with the largest attendance was Central Assembly in Springfield and
second was Grace Community in Branson. First place overall was awarded to Grace
Community followed by Central and Abundant Line in Neosho. A total of 11
churches were represented at the event.
I have received positive comments from several. Also, the pastor and children’s
pastor from Seymour expressed their appreciation for the good time their boys
had. It was their first time to attend a Day Camp.
Thanks to all who brought their boys and assisted to make this outing a success.
A very special thanks to Richard and Kelly Michael and boys from their outpost
in Branson who made the Olympic theme come to life. This was the best Day Camp
in my memory since I began to attend this event.
Ray L. Reece
SW Division Director
2016 SWD Ranger Kids Day Camp Olympic Theme. Kelly Michael was our guest speaker and she did an excellent job on the Olympic themed event. Torch runners, humor and teaching. Probably one of the best Ranger Kids pageants I have seen. Bible says to give honor where honor is due. Great job Grace Community.
August 20th, 2016. Over cast with temps in the 75 to 80 degree range. Some drizzle and a couple minutes of light showers. Ray Reece our SWD Coordinator did a great job of organizing and as always follow through. Ray's heart for our Lord and King Jesus shows brightly in these events. Thank you Ray for great leadership and example. You da man!
11 Outpost represented. 60 in attendance. Approx 15 events to go through. Snack and lunch and fun abound.
Click on a picture for a larger view. Special thanks to Dan Rockafellow, Mark Jones and John and Sierra Nance for the pictures.
Mark Jones, So. MO. Communications Coordinator
John and Sierra Namce pictures Link