What was going to be a car camping then swim trip turned out to be a Safari!
September 2nd and 3rd of 2016. Temps Low of 55 and high of 81. No
rain. Sunny skies.
5.5 earthquake in Oklahoma at 7:05 am that we felt at the Richland Creek
Campground. Wow!
As like any other of our events it was retrip on known trails. No GPS
needed...uh huh sure. Special thanks to Mark Jones and Rob Batchman for
sharing their pictures. Click on a picture for a larger view.
We left my house in Ozark at 5:45 pm 7 of us ready for Anything. Wanting to
LIVE THE ADVENTURE! We made good time and arrived at Richland Creek
campground traveling 119 miles and 14 of those miles on gravel road. 8:45
p.m just one 10 minute stop at the gas station and a convience store run.
At the campground we found it almost full of some 20 cars and we found our
spot in the fork between the roads and soon had a campfire going. Brought
in some cedar fence boards 2x4's with nails in them cut into about 3 foot
lengths...but it lasted just perfect for night and morning.
We had a easy time of cooking. Rob had his aluminum pan on top of the fire
upside down burning out the last campouts grease but it got a little to hot and
melted. Andrew was mowing his yard Friday morning and ran over a Gardner
snake and he cooked it up in Rob's melted pan. 2 of us cooked chili and
Jackson cooked up some soup. I think Josh and David had apples. Not
sure what Jimmy had. Prepackaged stuff.
Camp was good. Rob delivered the Nights Council Fire devotion and
what he was reading in Psalms. David was hammock camping. Josh
bivied on the ground with just a leaf bed. Jackson, Rob, Jimmy and Andrew
all tent camped. I put a cot up in my pickup shell and slept well. Ok.
I did hear Jackson battoning firewood at 3:30 am, then 5:30 am. Then 7:00
am. 2 dogs came into camp barking their heads off at about midnight.
We had lights out at 11:00 pm... with the instructions don't burn up the rest of
the firewood.
At 7:05 it was just barely light. I awoke to what I thought was some of
the boys rocking my truck. It stopped then it did it again I sat up and
looked around and didn't see anyone.
After a few minutes Richland creek was beckoning. The sun was up.
Jimmy and Andrew and Jackson had kindled a fire. At 55 degrees the fire
felt good. It's been months since we needed that.
Breakfast was on. Bacon and eggs, starbucks donuts, apples. Tents
were packed up and camp was cleaned up and we were ready to go. As the
fire burned it's last fuel we had a morning devotion on what is one of your pet
peeves that bugs you that you don't like and then what are you thankful for.
Well it's always fun. Conclusion was there is good and bad in most
of this life. Yet there will be a day when it's all good!
These guys I am with wanted to hike to the falls. GRRR! I just
wanted a easy swim and relax trip. So we hit 2 swimming holes on the way
up to Richland Creek Falls and along the way jumped off Big Rocks into really
cool swimming holes. Swam explored. Climbed. Laughed. I
got stung in the leg, deer flies were biting, poison ivy all over the place,
I head butted a 12" log that was over the trail that I missed and did see those
little cartoon birdies that fly around your head as my neck popped all around.
Jimmy sprained his thumb. Most of us had wet boots and shoes from slipping
into the creek or just tossing them and missing the bank. We LIVED THE
The Falls were pretty. Water running over them. Water running
down Richland Creek kept us on the trail. Last year we were able to walk
the creek. This year it was sticking to the trails. (Some of the
hardest trails we go on) This trail is good in some places terrible in
other places. It's a technical trail. Over half way of it is each
step has to be considered. 3 river crossing. Words and pictures and
video still can't do this place in the splendor it offers.
What took 3 hours to get to the falls was a fast 1.2 hours of fast walking
taking us back to our trucks at 3:00 pm. We stopped in Jasper at the Ozark
Cafe and had some really, really, really good food. All hamburgers and yet
they beat anything I had eaten in a long, long time. You need to stop in
there and have dinner.
We arrived at my house at 7:00 pm. Sent all them beggars home and took
a hot bath and went to bed. Thank you Jesus!
Mark Jones