Outpost 6 Dine and Derby Wow! What a RACE!
April 10th, 2016. Central Assembly of God Outpost 6 host a Dine and
Derby with Racing and Food! Wow!
This event featured a Tri Tip Meal; Tri Tip slices, Baked Potatoe, Smoked
Green Beans, Roll and trimmings!
Praise God we also took home extra pre ordered Tri Tips and Rib Slabs that were
cooked to perfection! Those will be a treat for weeks to come!
The Multipurpose Room was filled with all kinds of neat events for the church
family. A Royal Ranger slide show from past events played silently in the back
ground as folks fellowshiped. Pastor Justin had a mini wooden derby track and
cars for the youngest to race with. The room was bannered out. Tables were
decorated with cones and flags and coloring books and crayons. Music played!
We feasted and then we raced! 62 cars entertained us as Pastor Jeff and Staff
put on a FAST one time down the track event in 4 classes; Pastors, Men, Ladies
and Kids. The racing was fast. The Adventure and Expedition Rangers kept the
cars moving and running the races.
A whole lot of folk went home with trophies for speed and design and we really
enjoyed a well organized fun event for church family and friends.
Great Job Central AOG!
Mark Jones