2016 Southern Missouri Commanders Conference held at Oak Grove AOG April 8th
and 9th, 2016.
Click on a picture for a larger view.
It was good once again to fellowship with the Leadership in our District. The
bonding of love for Christ in this
Ranger Ministry is powerful. I am once again refreshed for what our Lord and
King has for us in this year!
Privileged to be a part of the Planning and Managing of the District Ranger
Program it was refreshing to see Godly Christian men and ladies spend hours and
hours preparing for these gatherings of Rangers and Friends of Rangers!
I found my first meeting in the Ranger District Executive Committee meeting to
be amazed at the behind the scenes discussions, critiques, promotions and fine
tuning. Jerry Millhouser and team are committed to the best Ranger program
possible and they work hard at it.
The pictures show folks with smiles and many years of Ranger Ministry hard at it
to Reach, Teach and the HARD part Keep folks for Christ.
Please make it a point in your outpost to bring as many as you can to Commanders
Conference. It's not just about getting your training done. These other classes
are filled with folks with successful experience that can you can glean neat
tips and tricks. In my hour or two of free time I was able to sit in on Joe
Schmitt's fire arms class and found it to be really cool. Don and Steve's Dutch
oven cooking class is by itself worth the trip besides that you get to eat the
treats that are cooked. The fellowship and stories and praise reports are
Bring your boys to Pow Wow. Stretch out there. Get them to attend. In our
leadership Merit in our AR and ER group I had 2 boys that accepted Christ and
were saved at our Pow Wows. IRON SHARPEN IRON! You Commander, You Friend of
Rangers you encourage me. You are a blessing to us. We praise God for you. Keep
it up!
Keep Rangers in your prayers.
Mark Jones