The SW Division of the Daniel Boone Chapter FCF had it's winter lockin at Life 360 Parkcrest Campus. January 17th, (18th-my wed anniversary). 2014
Lots of fun activities, games, hawks, knives, trading and so much more.
I had a limited view of the winter outing. My job was to build wooden cups. With machinery one has to keep a really close eye out when working with boys. So I got a lot of pictures of where I was at! GRIN!
We had 13 boys make wooden cups. We had 2 drill presses, equipped with 1/4 " bits and then sanding drums. 1 spindle sander, 2 table sanders, one band saw and 2 scroll saws and a portable dust collector that got over whelmed with saw dust. Plus all the extras that make it all work. Clamps, glue, glue bottles sandpaper, tools. Bees wax and mineral spirits, pattern printouts, extra blades, belts, rags, double boiler and sandpaper and extra wood. I figured on 15 cups and brought material for 20. Returned home with most materials gone. Boys got to make a wooden cup ready to drink out of for only $5.00. What a deal.
Click on a picture for a larger view.