January 3, 2015 Temps in the mid 45 to 50 mostly cloudy with some
sunshine on the way out. Just a 80 mile drive from Ozark about 1 hour and
25 minutes. 4 miles of dirt road made my truck very muddy with all the rains
they had 2 days before. Left the house at 10:00 am and returned at 5:20 pm
with a stop at McDonalds. Yet that rain made all the water flow wonderful
and most beautiful.
This was a impromptu trip. We made the decision to go the night before.
Earlier in the week we posted a maybe going. Yet until the last minute it
came together.
Weather reports have a big impact on who's going so often it's a last minute
go or no go for many folks. I personally love the variable in weather and
will almost always go.
The trip took us to Hideout Hallow. About 4 miles east of the Compton,
MO Post office. The trip was a easy 1 mile in and 1 mile out with some
exploration in and around the falls and the hallow. We stopped at
JB outfitter store in Compton and looked over the gear they have. Pretty
good selection of cool backpacking stuff there.
We had new folks on this trip. Del and his two boys were a real treat
to have on this trip. They really had a great time and we were sure glad
they came.
Click on a picture for a larger view. Special thanks for sharing
the pictures. Rob, Justin, Marshall, Sam, Del and Mark.
Video from around these
falls. Beautiful. The folks there make it even better!
Hope you can make the next event!