Woo Whoo Rangers! What a day. 16 hours of Ranger work, play,
serve, obey.
This is what happens when
you have good friends video.
Click on Picture for a larger view. More pictures found at end of report.
March 9th, 2013. Weather was 66 degrees with an occasional 20mph gust
of wind down on the river. Water temp was 48 degrees. Partly Sunny.
At 7:07 am we left the Ranger Annex. Headed to Ozark to pick up the
rest of the 12 going. The day before we had 19 scheduled to go. All
I can say is the 7 that elected out not only cut 7 other folks from going but
they missed out on a fun day of challenge and excitement and fun. We need
to focus on letting our yes be yes and our no be no, that is Bible.
When you have limited resources and you take up those resources then
cancel everyone is just better off if you would have said NO in the first place.
We had more that wanted to go but even I wouldn't go on a float trip with out a
12 hours of prep notice. So take the scolding and forgive me.
After a drop off and a van shuttle we hit the water at Ponca at 10:30 a.m.
There was folk there from other groups launching and we had through out the day
a good 40 folks on the river. Another 20 we saw hiking and backpacking.
The campground had over 200 people there. Parking lots were full. It
is PRIME floating season.
The river level has me a bit concerned. It was at the bottom notch of the
floatable scale. We had to do a lot of scoutching, getting out and walking
through shallows. Every one flipped except Rob and Sam and Marshall.
I think the Tollefilemire's canoe had the record flips 5 times.
The 3 canoes and 7 kayaks were full of God fearing folk that had been prayed
over and prepared for Hypothermia by "no cotton on this trip" Most
listened and those that didn't ended up not wearing anything but swimming trunks
or got a polypro shirt on loan. I think over half of us had several
change of clothes. Nice thing about canoeing you can bring extra
That first flip of the day into that 48 degree cold water..can make a MAN OUT
OF YOU! GRIN! I know because the only lady in the group stayed dry
and pretty the whole trip. Sam my son's girl friend was a delight and a
real trooper and was always in a cando mode. We all had a lot of fun.
I heard her say a couple of times...that was a close one. It's
delight full when you see her in the front seat of a canoe sitting up in the air
stuck on a rock and my son saying... ummm you need to tell me about those. GRIN!
They did a great job and I didn't see one bicker between them. That is a
miracle for canoe partners.
We floated past bluffs as high as 600 feet. Hiked up to Hemmened in
Hollow. Had 2 fires and did a lot of canoe and kayak dumping!
At 5:30 we made our landing at Kyle's Landing and loaded up stuff. Did
the shuttle run to pick up Rob's Vehicle and then headed to Harrison for a dine
at McDonalds. Rob and Steven went to pickup the canoe trailer and had
issues getting the trailer on the ball.
Got back to the house at 8:30 pm dropped off the trailer and gear and then
took 5 of us back to Church in the Church van. Cleaned it out. Matt
lost his billfold in the van. I went through that thing looking every
where. Not to be found. I pray that it shows up.
After 16 hour day. I got home took a shower and shortly went to bed.
Woke up this morning at 4:30 a.m. sore. Took some Advil and wrote this
God is good all the time. We had a great time and made memories. I have
never once had a boy come back to me after 20 years to tell me thanks for all
those merits Commander. They have many times over come back years and
years later and thanked me for taking on outings like this. These are some
of the best times in our lives that allow the time to share great memories.
Hope you can get out and enjoy these events. For me Rangers becomes alive
when we leave the classroom.
Monday morning Matt called and said the Boy Scouts were out hunting firewood
and found his billfold. Wet and muddy but in tact and it was all there.
Praise God!
Mark Jones
Put in at Ponca
Mark "Ready for Anything"
At Big Bluff
Cave man
Tiny Turtle
600 foot bluff
Dunker and Dunkie
Hemmened in Hollow
Trip up to Hemmend in Hollow