So. Mo. Dist. FCF Spring Outing May 17-18-2013.
We had our Spring Outing at Sandstone Ranch, Millhouser. We had 22 old timers registered and 17 young bucks registered, also we
Had 10 young bucks and one adult that took the Black Powder course., Ray Reece and Jerry Millhouser set up.
Pastor Jim Dougherty Blessed us with Songs and music Friday night and Saturday morning. John Hicks from the National Office Blessed us and
Challenged us to go out and teach and tell others the things that we have learned. Luke Cooper our district scout gave a very inspiring Devotion Saturday Morning.
Rick Dostal, J.R. Whinery and Jim Fringer set up a wonderful rifle shoot, and J.R. had a magnificent archery field with 4 shooting areas. Rodney Lillard blessed with the cross cut log cut, which everyone enjoyed as a team. The Hawk and Knife areas were Great also. We had Ed Corbin, Passed FCF president from Illinois ran the knife throw. It was and is a blessing to have him here with us. He is now residing in Branson, Mo. Max Toller challenged the old timers and young bucks in the Flint and Steel. Ron Squires rated all the Outfits and we had some great outfits to judge. Ryan Reed set up a very challenging Stump Preaching event.
We had an unusual outing for FCF, The Weather was Great.
Sw. Div. FCF VP. Pat (Plainsman) Davis.