6 Adventure and Expedition Rangers completed the Aviation Merit and had
opportunity to fly in a small plane this Sunday afternoon. This was a
joint effort to benefit Rangers in the area that wanted to complete this merit
outside of their regular outpost. Central Assembly and Evangel Temple
teamed up to provide the merit for Rangers from Central, Evangel Temple, and
Praise Assembly. The merit was taught in 6 class sessions with
chances for Rangers to fly radio control planes and helicopters and fly using a
simulator. The photos show the boys having a great time and the all got to start
the plane engine, take the yoke of the plane and fly, communicate their
locations and positions on the radio. This was of course done with an
experienced pilot trainer.
The plan is to teach the Aviation merit again after the first of the year. If
you are interested please let me know. There is no cost to participate.
Dan Rockafellow