A few shots of some of the things we do at the Ranger Annex. Click on a
picture for a larger view.
Foldable Saw Buck out of Cedar Boy made
Brace and Bit was used to drill dowel holes
Holes were bored than the logs were resawed down the middle
Here it is open. FCF Frontiersman style
Side view of Saw Buck Boys peeled cedar bark off for firecraft
Lashed up Hawk Target
Hawk Target in front of RR Trophy Case
2x4 Hawk Target
Chain keeps legs from going out too far
Bolt allows the stand to fold up
Bulletin Boards are good advertisements!
Shop with Dust Collection
Master Power Shut off to make it safe for boys.
This sink gets the clean up done!
Rangermobile view from Behind
View from Behind looking at brake Assembly
Brake Assembly
Ranger Kids Ramps