Springfield Sections host a Ranger Derby Crafting Lockin Jan 27th - 28th, 2012

50 Royal Rangers from 7 Outposts converge to build Ranger Derby Cars. 

What an exciting event we had this weekend! This past Saturday Outpost 97 from Evangel Temple hosted our N&S Section Ranger Derby Lock-in. We had a church full of boys and men attend, participate, and walk away with some very fine looking and fast cars. For those of you who were not able to make it we have attached a few pictures to show the fun they all had. Not only that, but take note of the cars as they will be competing against yours at our Sectional Ranger Derby that will be hosted by Outpost 6 from Central Assembly on Saturday, February 25, 2012. Make plans now to attend! There will be a special gift awarded to the outpost who has the most cars registered for the event.
Thank you to all of you who came out to participate. I am honored to be surrounded by such talented men of the SoMo District. You guys are great, and your boys are blessed by you sacrificing your time, talents, and resources. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you all at our Section Ranger Derby Races!

Ready to Serve,
Jason Anderson
N Spgfld Section Coordinator

SoMo Dist Royal Rangers

(417)766-9944 (Cell)
(417)708-0303 (Fax)


Click on a Picture to get a larger view.

All loaded up and heading home to unload!  What a deal!  Blessings to all you great folk in Royal Rangers.