It was a great day of racing Ranger Mobiles at Tri-Lakes Church Saturday May 7th, 2011. Jared Pingleton was all decked out in his FCF outfit and gave a challenging message to the Rangers. 9 Churches involved and 6 churches brought a total of 40 racers: Central, Ozark, Dayspring, Tri-Lakes, Oak Grove, and Evangel Temple, with 16 DR, 8 AR/ER, 2 Mpact, 12 RK, and 3 brave leaders that went off the ramp and down the hill to the laser finish line. We also had help from leaders and family of Kimberling City AOG and Life 360, and Marshfield AOG. The Tri-Lakes outpost did a great job of hosting and providing a concession stand with outstanding food including homemade potato salad. Trophies were presented and we were all done and on the way home by 3:00PM.

Dan Rockafellow

South Springfield Section Royal Ranger Commander

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