Springfield North and South Sections Pinewood Derby Race 03-06-2010.
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Here is a race report:
9 Boys Saved at Sectional PWD
Praise the Lord! We had 9 boys make first time commitments to the Lord at
the Meet the Pastor room at the Sectional Pinewood Derby. Pastor John from
Nixa and Brother Jim did a fine job talking to the boys and girls about
Jesus. It was a great day at Nixa AOG for the Springfield Sectional
Pinewood Derby on March 6th. We had a little delay in getting the track
going for the North section, but all problems were solved and all the cars
were raced. We had a special judging crew from our local Army, Navy and
Marine recruiting offices. A big thank you goes out to those serving and
those that have served in our military. We had a nice showing of planes and
flying from Central AOG Air Ranger Expedition outpost. They also had a radio
control flight simulator for those that wanted to try it out. Along with the
paintball target shoot and the dart gun shoot we had a lot of fun. Nixa did
a fine job with the concession stand and provided a delicious lunch. Be
sure to attend the Divisional PWD on March 27th. See you there.
Dan Rockafellow
South Springfield Section Royal Ranger Director
417-833-3994 H
417-864-8623 W
417-839-8451 C
Report from a local outpost attending the event by Paul Mark Dayspring
WOW -E -E -E ,This was s-o-o good for our
families; their Rangers and girls - THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES to
all who
assisted to bring this event about yesterday. For four to five of our families
this was their first time to attend an Ranger; quote: " family bonding event".
One of our( 1st timer) DAD's stated that he sensed the moving in that gym of the
Holy Spirit as the gospel was shared with a very visual message with the use of
a boy, the track, and a PWD car. ....An aside note: this was brought at a BOY
level !! , not an adult watered down message.... two thumbs UP !! Two of our
families are not attending church any where and so this was an Holy Ghost time
for them to hear the gospel while at the races. ! ! ............ There is
nothing "F - U - N" ER than watching a Ranger Kid race HIS PWD CAR; jumping up
and down, with a ear - to - ear smile that will not quit as it travels down the
track and receives HIS - 1st heat trophy ! Your labor and effort will continue
with the memories for them for a long time. Thanks from the families and the
Ranger Team at Dayspring, OP # 348, Blessings. "Question: Commander, How
soon are the next races ? !"