The 2010 Ranger Mobile race was held on May 8th at
Tri-Lakes Church. It was our highest turnout in the history of Ranger Mobile
races. 57 racers went down the hill and headed for the lazer finish line. We
had a few loose control of their carts but nobody was seriously hurt. Thank you
Lord. Billings Assembly took first place in the design competition with the
hillbilly wrecker themed Ranger Mobile. Jared Pingleton gave an inspirational
message while we got all the entries into the computer. Tri-Lakes did an
excellent job hosting the event as usual. There was a tug of war area and also
paintball target shooting for those that where not racing or watching the racers
go bye.
The men from Kimberling City's new Ranger outpost video
taped the race and will be producing DVDs for anyone interested. They will be
$5 each and can be picked up at Pow Wow or mailed for an extra $1. If you are
interested in a DVD send your requests to Dan Shaw at __to be posted________
Dan Rockafellow
417-864-8623 Short video of the Race!
Click on a picture to get a larger view!