Junior Canoe Expedition 2010

Eleven Point River  from Greer Spring on 19 hwy to Riverside on 160 hwy.  July 8th -10th, 2010 Special thanks to Jim Evans and Bob Wenneker for the Photographs.

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Months out Charles Bowser was busy making preparations for the JCE.  Lining up leaders to facilitate the river float.

We had about 32 there with almost half being staff.  21 canoes and 3 kayaks.  Weather was 90% chance of rain Thursday and 70% on Friday. 

Thursday noon we all started showing up at Greer Spring Access.  Picked out campsites and setup camp.  By 2:00 pm we were ready for the first class.  We held the on the water classes from 2 to about 5 and then had a break for supper.  Then after supper we finished the bookwork and enjoyed the council fire with fun songs and spiritual application.  Lights out at 10:30 as he had long day ahead.  It started raining shortly after dark and sprinkled all night long.  Day break then at 6:00 am we all awoke to hearty breakfast of delicious eggs, bacon, toast, juice and also made up our sandwich and lunch and drink for the float. 

We were on the water by 8:00 am and by 8:07 we had our first canoe flip.  The boys recovered quickly and with a point man and a tail man everyone else was kept in the middle... perhaps a mile or so between them at times.  The river offered spring water that would catch your breath but it was a cool and refreshing experience each time you got in it.  The river offered various level I and level II challenges and at the end of the day they even go a level III.  It was a hoot watching these boys and men learn to get their canoes to do what they needed them to do.  Just before lunch one canoe ended up wrapped around a big rock and with some on the river bank pounding and some drying of the 3" splits in the canoe and some DUCKTAPE that AU brought we salvaged the canoe for the rest of the days float.  The boys brought what they needed in buckets and most of it stayed dry and  the river wasn't able to gobble it all up.  We had a great time after 10 hours on the river and enjoyed a great meal of Goolosh that was very good and the boys after the days events gobbled it all up and we enjoyed a nice council fire with skits and fun and spiritual application.  GREAT Job All you folk.


Special thanks to each of you for your part in this Great Ministry of Royal Rangers.

Mark Jones