Ranger of the year testing for the North and South Springfield, West Plaines, and Joplin Sections were held on Saturday Oct. 4th at Central AOG in Springfield.  26 Rangers participated from 6 churches.  Many thanks to all who helped with the evaluations. Thanks to Ladies from Forest Ave. for doing the concession stand. 

Congratulations to the following Rangers that qualified to go to the District ROTY:

Springfield S.
DR - Luke Cooper(James River), Joseph Pingleton(Tri-Lakes)
AR - Robert Powell(James River), Tucker Virnig(James River)
ER - Taylor Moore(James River)


Springfield N.
DR - Joshua Clark(Central), Tytus Breshears(Bolivar)
AR - Kaleb Breshears (Bolivar), Daniel Clark (Central)
ER - Ryan Reed(Bolivar), Nathaniel McHaffie(Central), Alex Riley(Central)

Dan Rockafellow

South Springfield Section Commander

417-833-3994 H
417-864-8623 W
417-839-8451 C

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