February 1st, 2008.  Bowers Hallow Falls 3 Men and 2 boys take a over night backpack and day hike to explore 3 falls.

Bowers Hallow Falls, 2miles from the trail head, Smith Falls and McClure Falls another 2 miles with a Trip Loop of 8 miles.

Rise and Fall was around 480 feet.  Snow on the ground and temps in the 25 degree range up to 50 degrees during the day.

We hiked in during the dark hours of Friday evening through the freshly fallen snow about 2" was on the ground.  

The snow was melting on Saturday and we had nice water flow over the Falls.  Of course we had to use a 20 foot tree as a ladder

to get from one level of the falls to the next level.  It was a beautiful day.  God sure has some mighty handy work to be proud of.

PDF of the Topo and Trail Profile.