Southwest Division Hosted the "Wet-N'-Wild" Cardboard Boat Regatta! Pictures at end of this text! Card Board Boat Regatta 2007 Stockton Lake, Mutton Creek Area.23 boats raced 91 Rib Dinners were ordered and served. 200 lunch dinners served. 150 boys and girls hit the water paddling. 200 to 300 showed up see the happenings. James River AOG had one boat they ran 3 times. It was a masterpiece of work to last that long! GREAT Job James River! 2 weeks before the event temperatures close to 100 degrees the Commanders and Rangers were sweating putting the starting touches on their grand boats. Many returned from years past and many showed up new with the proud builders fretting' over their boats. The days ticked by and the last minute things were done then the day of the pow wow. 4:30 am. Commanders Kirk Watson and Norm Kirsh from Central AOG our beloved cooks arose from their comfy beds to start smoking ribs. 90 slabs of ribs were smoked up in the 100 degree heat and sold the rest were brought to the hungry Rangers that were "Ready" for a feast. At 7pm a plate loaded with Perfectly Smoked Ribs, Green rub seasoned beans, Salad and dressings, drink and cookie was enjoyed to the max. The nights council fire was down by the waters edge and an new FCF member dragged in his ole bear and he lite the fire and had the bear blow on it. The council fire lite up the night. Stunts and skits came out of the crowd. Richard Michael led us in several songs then introduced Rob Batchman as the nights speaker. Rob challenged us with a scripture memory verse and 2 stories he told at the same time. The crowd dispersed back to their camps and fellowship was enjoyed around camp. 6:30 am the sunburn from the days actives was heating up and the stubbed toe from the night before was still swollen... no time for that. We were up and having breakfast in no time flat. Most didn't have coffee so those that did have coffee were a blessing as they shared what they had. Our camp we had baggie omelets ... put a pot of water on to boil, take a large zip lock write your name on it with a permanent marker, crack 3 eggs into it without the shell, drop in a handful each of mushrooms, ham, cheese, onions, green peppers and squish it all together and get it mixed up...then get the excess air out of it... roll it up into the shape of a burrito and put it in the boiling pot and let it cook 13 minutes. BAM! Add salt and pepper and your feasting...we even had a enough to feed a few onlookers. 8:00 am Registration was under way. Boats started come out of the campsites. The volunteers started showing up and what a blessing they are. All the while the water was filled with all kinds of Royal Ranger Folk enjoying, boating, tubing, skiing, swimming, floating, kayaking, canoeing and even fishing. At 10:00 am the last call for boat registrations came in. Last minute judging on design. Rob Batchman led us in a floating council fire devotion and asked each of us to think about our relationship with God and that we indeed could have peace and know where we stand with God. The invitation was again given to invite Jesus into our hearts and the conviction of the Holy Ghost was at work. I know first hand. A work was being done. At 10:20 we had announcements and last minute instructions and safety and all were reminded of water and heat and sun screen and to watch the boys in the lake. BAM! Racing 2 heats at a time we saw some rip snorting hilarious fun activates. As we all laughed and shouted, rooten for our teams we just had a great time. Lunch was ready at noon and the call and prayer was given out. Lots of folks feed and watered as the last race hit the finish line. 23 boats ran the race and faced the water balloon gauntlet. Imagine 50 boys and a few gals and water cannons waiting with water balloons ready to pummel you with water as you went through the water balloon gauntlet! FUN! WE threw over 1000 water balloons half the fun was filling the balloons from the water balloon filling station as a lot of water was sprayed from that activity. The area was cleaned for trash, cardboard, balloons then Participation Ribbons were given to all that met the challenge of the cardboard boat race. Then plaques were given 14 of them. 1-3 place for speed RK, DR and AR. 1-2, Teamwork, 1-2 Design, 1-2 Titanic. Prayer concluded and we had a great group that stayed to help pickup the gear that get it all loaded for the trip home. Thank so much for all the hard work and cooperation between outposts and to the volunteers and staff that just make this event one of the best. THANKS! Mark Jones, Regatta Race Coordinator p.s. If you have any suggestions please send them to:
Race Results click on the link to pull the pdf report. In many cases it was a close run.
Time: Teamwork: Titantic: Design:
Other links to Pictures submitted by:
Rob Batchman Rick Barnhouse Jim Payne
Pictures I was able to delegate to get during the event: Thanks Scott!
God is Good all the Time!