FCF NorthWest Division Winter Trace up by Kansas City!
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Hello Everyone,
The NW Division had about 60 men and boys in attendance. We enjoyed an evening
of worship and fellowship on Friday night. With Dave Perkins "the one arm guitar
player" and D.J. Hall leading us in song. This was followed by a demonstration
of glass bead making by Dave Hennerburg a good friend of Fred's our district
F.C.F Prez. Ice cream and James Albin's fresh baked brownies topped off the
evening with lights out at 11:30pm. We had a few rowdies about 12:30am, but
after all lights were on and a few push-ups in order all decided that turning in
and playing the next day sounded allot better. HA HA:). Saturday's morning
devotion was presented by Christian Prince our assistant scout. The day was full
of the making of hawks, throwing knives, leather bags of all sizes, sheaths,
powder horns and a new try at hand dipped bee's wax candles that turned out to
be allot of fun to do. All was a success, everyone went home with the digits
they came with and a big smile on there face for trying something new:) I
managed a few picture's so I will send them along. See you all at Commanders
In His Grace,
Jim Haines
Evangel Temple, KC
Out Post "78"