GMA Mathew German turned 18 years old. He asked his Aunt Julie (My wife) at the age of 15 if she would jump out of a airplane with him when he turned 16. She said yes and they found out they had to wait until he was 18 before he could take the jump. So...
Mathew the GMA, Julie my wife, Marty my wifes brother and Chris my daughters boyfriend all took the plunge. It was fun to watch as they prepared, took the flight and then watched them float to the ground. The Place was in Mt. Vernon and it cost about 175.00 per jumper to be strapped up to a experienced trainer as you jumped. The planes were small so there were 3 trips up in the plane and we all gathered at the landing zone to watch the other come in for a landing. Video is awesome!
More pictures to come as they come in.