2005 card board boat regatta at Mutton Creek Campground on Stockton Lake.  Approx. 250 folk were in attendance.  We had 25 registered boats.  15 Royal Ranger Outposts came and enjoyed the race and the chance to lobe some water balloons at their fellow Royal Rangers. 

Pictures are found at the bottom of this information.

Race Results sorted by time, design, teamwork and titantic scores.  See just how close you came to taking home a Plaque!

Churches Represented:

Oak Grove Outpost 153, Rob Batchman 1 Discovery Boat and 1 Adventure Boat 1 RK Boat
Grace Chapel Outpost 501 , Brent Pennell 1 Boat
Praise AOG Outpost 5 , Rick Cook 1 Boat
Evangel Temple Outpost 97, Dan Rockafellow 1 Boat
Strafford AOG, Outpost 226, David Felkner 2 Boats
Faith AOG, Outpost 207, Joe Schmitt 1 Boat
Marshfield AOG Outpost 52, Carl Gore 2 Boats
Billings AOG, Outpost 299, Roy Mizner 1 Boat
1st AG of Odessa, Outpost 242, Mike Bennett 1 RK Boat USS Ranger
Carthage 1st, Outpost 38, Rodney Lillard, 1 Boat
TRI Lakes, Outpost 343 , Richard Michaels 2 Boats
New Vision Ministries, Outpost 43 Larry Green 2 Boats
Cabool AOG Outpost 337,Don McCracken 1 Boat
Brighton AOG Outpost 341, Jim Hemphill, 1 Boat
Bolivar AOG Outpost 107, Rick Barnhouse 1 Boat


Plaques that were given out!!!

Speed Award
Award Name: Captain of Boat: Outpost # Church Name: Boat Name:

1st Place Speed: _Mike Bennett ____ _242__ _Odessa______ _SS Ranger______

2nd Place Speed: _JR McClennon_____ _97___ _Evangel Temple _White Star_____

3rd Place Speed: _Trenton Tardiff ____ _153___ _Oak Grove_____ _Duck Tape Spec.

4th Place Speed: _Marshall Jones ___ _153___ __Oak Grove____ _USS Gunner___

(These places are determined by the Race Evaluators)
Extreme Design Award
The most spectacular looking boat, taking into account creative design and best use of cardboard.
Captain of Boat: Outpost # Church Name: Boat Name:

1st___Jerimieh Goldberg __343__ __Tri Lakes_______ _Stinger_______________

2nd __Mike Bennett____ _242__ __Odessa_________ _SS Ranger_____________

Titanic Award
Most spectacular sinking. To qualify, you must do a salvage of the remains.
Captain of Boat: Outpost # Church Name: Boat Name:
___Trevor Obrein___ __314_____ _Brighton__________ __Whaler________________
Team Award
Most spirited and best-organized outpost. Looks don't count here.
Captain of Boat: Outpost # Church Name: Boat Name:
1st__Mike Bennett___ __242_ ___Odessa_________ _____SS Ranger____________

2nd __Marshall Jones_ __153_ __Oak Grove_______ _USS Gunner_____________

A Link to one of the Outpost that attended the event and some great photos!  http://www.roseler.com/cardboardboatrace.htm